April 21, 2010

Where do you go to church?

I was sitting down just a few minutes ago, to catch up on my daily Bible reading and I noticed a little piece of paper in the crack of the maps in the back. I flipped back until I found the page again and pull out a little note, about half of a post it size piece of paper. Here is what it says:

Me: Where do you go to church?
Iz: I mostly go to a house church in wed. I go on Sunday to Bridegroom every now and then, where do you go?
Me: Del City C of C- want to come wed? Free supper!!
Iz: This week I need to be at mine, but next week?
Me: Your on!

Funny, but this little note took me back to the exact time and place I was when it was written. I was sitting in Vickie Wallace's Old Testament class. There were about 30 of us in there, and there was this freshman who sat next to me on the right, she always seemed so heavy... i dont know how else to put, like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Anyways, we struck up a friendship, she had just lost her boyfriend either first semester or right before coming to school to cancer and was having a hard time.

Just a simple reminder of how much we matter to God, how much everyone matters, so that means that everyone should matter to us too. She did come, by the way. And shes doing good now, about to graduate actually. We never know the impact of anything we do, be there good or bad. A simple, "I do see you, and I do care" can go a long ways.

Be good and do good!

Sarah B

Allowing the unexpected to happen is what helps fuel the fire in us all!

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