May 1, 2010

Whew that was a busy week!

Last week was CrAzY!!!! There has been so much going on lately and so much that is about to happen it is literally a whirl wind!

Friday I met with a new contact, Evelyn, she is 27 and has traveled all over! I am excited to get to know Evelyn, she seems to have a great spirit and is open to the message! She said she believes in God, but doesn't believe God is lives in a building so she has never gone to church but she reads and studies some on her own. Im looking forward to our time together, we seemed to really hit it off last week! She is coming to read on Monday and then staying for dinner with the Rhodes and I, and then staying for Movie night! We are watching Pursuit of Happyness, which is always a great film anyways!

Today was May 1st, which used to not mean much to me, other than finals should be done! May 1st in Germany though, is May Pole day! You know, the pole that goes up in May! They do that here! At around 1 we went around the corner and the parade started of the schools and some of the community businesses and what nots, bands ect. We walked along with the parade up the street, to where the May Pole was being put up. Around 2 the started to put the pole in, which was made by our neighbor who is a major craftsman in this area. After that we walked home!

Each community does their own thing, if they do anything at all, but we happen to live in a pretty close neighbor hood that has kept up the tradition! It was a great turn out! After that we came back and had coffee out on the terrace and then grilled for supper!

Tomorrow is church and sport. Monday will kick start the crazy-ness again. Im going to get another round of letters to go out. Funds are still in a high risk area.... I needed 15 commitments of $100 and I have gotten 3 personal commitments so far which is great! So I still need 12 commitments from churches or people so im hitting the grindstone again on Monday and get some more letters out! The first round just made it to churches last week, so hopefully they should be reviewing the letter I sent within the next week or so. Please continue to pray for funds and that the means will come to allow me to stay here and continue the work!

So thats all for today. Just thought it was time for an update! Im glad the sun is back (for the most part)! The darkness defiantly took a toll on me, more so than I realized at the time! My mood has defiantly picked up and the homesick days are much better.

Be good and do good!

Sarah B

Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. ~Jane Goodall

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