March 8, 2010


Last week was kinda tough for me, German class is starting to kick my bu... well, you know what I mean. Its frustrating, of course, but when I am here to communicate with people and the one thing I cant seem to master is communicating that becomes a problem. The people I can communicate with aren't a problem, those relationships are going great, its all the rest. All the people I see and want to talk to but don't because I don't have a clue how in the world to speak to them past, "Hi my name is...its cold outside huh?"

All that said, last week I got a long email from on of my good friends who is still at school. Her and I were prayer partners last year in club, someone I wouldn't have really seen myself becoming close with, but oddly enough we really became good friends. Anyways, getting an email from her defiantly lifted my spirits. It was nice to just know how she was doing and what all was going on in her life. I didn't realize how many people I tried to keep up with until I got here and had to put most of those relationships on the back burner.

Then today, after I got back from another German class I found a nice fat package for me in the mailbox! It was full of encouraging cards from the Cornerstone class at Memorial! Talk about a pick me up!

Alright well im off to attempt my german homework and read some more! Readers are slow this week, everyone is out of town on vacation or a work trip! So goes life.

Be good and do good!

Sarah B

Quote: Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, "What? You too?" I thought I was the only one! ~C.S. Lewis

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